Hi, I'm Brad.


Senior Software Development Engineer

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Software Development Engineer


Senior Software Engineer

Outware Mobile

Systems Engineer

Salt Group

Software Engineer

Electronic Arts / Firemonkeys


choppingboard.recipes - An API for scraping recipe websites

choppingboard.recipes was a website and API that converted any marked-up recipe web page into easily consumable JSON data. It handled user logins and registration, rate limiting, and error handling.

The entire website and API cost $10 a month to run on AWS, which I'm quite proud of to this day.

The website is no longer running, but if I get time again, I'll spin it back up.

Hacker News, RapidAPI Blog


Brad's Static Site Generator.

Given a bssg.toml file, execute a series of build steps to generate a static website.

Blog/Docs, GitHub, npm


This website! Uses bssg to generate HTML from markdown/pug/less files.



A yo plugin to generate a nodejs project with best practices preconfigured.

Comes preconfigured with prettierjs, TypeScript, bundling, minification and auto-building.

GitHub, npm